Tag Archives: Echolink

Santa Nets 2018

Ham Nation D-STAR After Show Net’s own Paul – K9PTF is doing a new Father Christmas net this year:

FATHER CHRISTMAS NET will be on D-STAR Reflector 58 A (REF058A).  Starting Friday, November 30th from 18:00hrs to 19:00hrs CST and every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in December, Father Christmas will be taking check ins.

The Father Christmas net will run Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays through December 23, with a special last-minute net on December 24th!

NOTE: *DoDropIn* conference is down.  The Santa Watch Net will be on *TheGuild* node #679320.

Well Boys and Girls, it’s my favorite time of the year again and it’s time for the Santa Watch Net.

Santa will be making his rounds and once again for the eighth year in a row the gang at the DoDropIn will be watching the radar.

Join the Santa Watch Net that starts at 1800 hrs eastern time. Dave N3NTV will be calling the net and keeping track of Santa’s location.

Like last year, Santa has a radio in his sleigh and may chat with the kids again.

Bring all the young’uns and get them checked in. Third parties are of course, always welcome.

Once again, Santa Watch on Christmas Eve at 1800 hrs eastern on the *DoDropIn* Echolink conference server #355800.

From the gang at the DoDropIn,


Dave – N3NTV does the Ham Nation after show EchoLink net.

For the 13th consecutive year, The 3916 Nets will be presenting The Santa Net on 3.916 MHz. Good girls and boys can talk to Santa Claus, via amateur radio, nightly at 7:30 PM (Central) starting Friday, November 23, 2018. The Santa Net will run nightly at 7:30 PM Central through Christmas Eve, December 24, 2018.


K8JTK on Ham Nation episode 299 for #HamNation300

Yours truly, K8JTK, appeared on the show to promote #HamNation300 with the other digital net controllers.

Thanks to TWiT, Amanda – K1DDN, Andrew – WA8LIV from the DMR net, and Dave – N3NTV from the Echolink net.  Don’t forget to check out the other after net shows.

The episode can be download from https://twit.tv/shows/ham-nation/episodes/299.  The part of the show featuring the controllers can be seen below.

Ham Nation 300 Special Event

Updates and where stations are operating for Ham Nation 300:

Social Media:
Facebook: Ham Nation on Twit
Facebook: #HamNation300
Twitter: #HamNation300

DX Clusters:
DX Summit
DX Heat

Ham Nation 294: Secret of Ham Nation 300

A Special Event celebrating the 300th broadcast of Ham Nation hits the ham bands May 24-31, 2017. Ham Nation hosts and after-show net control operators are presenting the event. Besides the on-air event, they encourage you to enter the summer-long Ham Nation Challenge.

Ham Nation is an audio and video podcast that is broadcast live on the internet channel TWiT.tv. Hams can view the program at 9:00 p.m. eastern time every Wednesday evening.

Hams can earn a Ham Nation 300 certificate by working six of the nine Special Event callsigns. They can receive a Clean Sweep certificate by working all nine 1×1 callsigns. Commemorative QSL cards are also available. Hams must send their QSL Card and an SASE to each station.

Contact the stations on any band. You may look up the details and rules for the on-air event on the QRZ page of the nine 1×1 callsigns in the table below. Check the QRZ.com pages frequently as we update them often.

The on-air event begins at 0300Z on May 25th and ends at 0500Z on June 1.

Software collates logs from all nine special event stations. Users download certificates and print them at home or at a self service photo shop.

The Ham Nation Challenge ends August 31, 2017. Hams may earn one of three certificates. Scoring 300 to 499 points will earn you a bronze challenge certificate. If you score 500 to 599 points you will receive a silver certificate. A score of 600 or more of the possible 750 points in the challenge will get you a Gold certificate. Hams receiving the top three scores appear on Ham Nation in September.

Hams earn challenge points by completing simple tasks like … submitting a chat room question; submitting a video or shack photo for broadcast or scoring a “selfie” with a host or net control operator.

By completing the more challenging tasks hams earn more points. More difficult tasks include … becoming a Volunteer Examiner; upgrading their amateur license or earning their WAS or DXCC. A complete list of the challenge tasks appears in the table below.

If you have questions about this event you may send an email to HamNation300@gmail.com. If you are talking about this event on social media we encourage you to use the hashtag “#HamNation300”.

Special Event Station Callsigns and Operators

Callsign Operator Personal callsign
K0H Amanda K1DDN
W0H Dale K0HYD
W2H Eric N2KOJ
W4H Kevin KC7FPF
W6H Mike WT6H
W7H Steve W7UDI
W9H Val NV9L

Ham Nation Hosts Using Personal Callsigns

Callsign Host
K9EID Bob Heil
WB6NOA Gordon West
K7AGE Randy Hall
W5JDX George Thomas

Digital Mode Operators Using Personal Callsigns

Callsign Name
K8JTK Jeffrey
WA8LIV Andrew
KC8VJK Craig
N3NTV David
VO1UKZ Darryll
W8WFO Steve
N9OFU Paul
WB6NOA Gordo

Ham Nation Challenge Tasks and Points Awarded

Points Task Limit Total Possible
10 Submit a chat room question or email Amanda a question that gets used on the show 2 20
25 Participate in a contest 2 50
25 Participate in a public service event 1 25
50 Obtain a Technician license or upgrade your license (must be earned after May 1st) 1 50
25 Become a Volunteer Examiner or an instructor 1 25
10 Work a HamNation300 1X1 special event station 9 90
10 Work a HamNation300 special event host station 4 40
10 Work a HamNation300 digital mode special event stations 4 40
10 Work a HamNation300 special event or wildcard stations on RTTY, JT65 or PSK31 3 30
10 Check into a Ham Nation after-show net 3 30
10 Submit a Show Me Your Shack photo to Dale for the video segment 2 20
25 Submit a ham radio related video that Dale uses on the video segment 1 25
25 Build an antenna or kit based on one of George or Randy’s videos 2 50
10 “Like” the Ham Nation Facebook Page 1 10
35 Earn your DXCC Award (completed after May 1st) 1 35
35 Earn your WAS Award (completed after May 1st) 1 35
25 Earn a Clean Sweep Certificate for working all nine 1×1 callsigns during on-air event 1 25
25 Work all four show hosts during on-air event 1 25
25 Become a certified weather spotter 1 25
10 Publish a “selfie” with a show host using the hashtag #HamNation300 7 70
10 Publish a “selfie” doing something ham radio related using the hashtag #HamNation300 3 30
10 Tie-Breaker: Publish a “selfie” with Dr. Tamitha Skov 1 10

On-Air Event Rules

  1. Event starts at 0300Z on May 25, 2017 and end at 0500Z on June 1, 2017
  2. The event cover all bands, all modes
  3. Any Special Event Station or Show Host may be contacted during the event
  4. Special Event stations and Show Hosts will operate at random times.
  5. Operators will Tweet, post on Ham Nation Facebook page and announce on spotting network when on air
  6. Working a minimum of six of the nine 1×1 callsigns qualifies for a Certificate
  7. You may substitute one contact with a Show Host for one of the six 1×1 callsigns required for a certificate
  8. Working all nine 1×1 callsigns earns you a Clean Sweep certificate
  9. Callsigns of participating Show Hosts are: K9EID, WB6NOA, W5JDX and K7AGE
  10. Special Event QSL cards will be available from each Special Event Station
  11. A personal QSL card may be available from participating Show Hosts
  12. A SASE required to receive QSL card from Special Event stations and Show Hosts
  13. Technician class hams can earn a digital certificate by completing two contacts in any of the four modes

Santa Nets 2015

Well Boys and Girls, it’s my favorite time of the year again and it’s time for the Santa Watch Net.

Santa will be making his rounds and once again for the fourth year in a row the gang at the DoDropIn will be watching the radar.

Join the Santa Watch Net that starts at 1800 hrs eastern time. Dave N3NTV will be calling the net and keeping track of Santa’s location.

Like last year, Santa has a radio in his sleigh and may chat with the kids again.

Bring all the young’uns and get them checked in. Third parties are of course, always welcome.

Once again, Santa Watch on Christmas Eve at 1800 hrs eastern on the *DoDropIn* Echolink conference server #355800.

From the gang at the DoDropIn,


Dave – N3NTV does the Ham Nation after show EchoLink net.

Every year on 3916, we give good little boys and girls a chance to talk to Santa Claus at the North Pole!   It is indeed a magical experience to experience kids talking with Santa through the magic of Amateur Radio!

The Santa Net is on the air every night, November 27 through December 24th at 7:30 PM Central.

To participate in The Santa Net, just have your kids prepared to tell Santa their top 2-3 gift wishes.

Prenet Check Ins Welcome

Reserve a spot with Santa by making a pre-net check in.  You can check in either on the air starting at 7 PM (Central) or by emailing KE5GGY@gmail.com

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas from The 3916 Nets!!!


Photo copyright Trey Ratcliff at www.StuckInCustoms.com.

Santa Watch Net

Well Boys and Girls, it’s my favorite time of the year again and it’s time for the Santa Watch Net.

Santa will be making his rounds and once again for the fourth year in a row the gang at the DoDropIn will be watching the radar.

Join the Santa Watch Net that starts at 1800 hrs eastern time.  Dave N3NTV will be calling the net and keeping track of Santa’s location.

Like last year, Santa has a radio in his sleigh and may chat with the kids again.

Bring all the young’uns and get them checked in.  Third parties are of course, always welcome.

Once again, Santa Watch on Christmas Eve at 1800 hrs eastern on the *DoDropIn* Echolink conference server #355800.

From the gang at the DoDropIn,

Dave – N3NTV does the Ham Nation after show EchoLink net.

Photo copyright Trey Ratcliff at www.StuckInCustoms.com.

K6H – Special Event Radio Station from Last Man Standing

The Southern California based PAPA Repeater System will be holding a special event station K6H, “Hamnado” on Sunday, September 28, 2014 from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm PDT that will originate from Stage 9 of CBS Studio Center facility in Studio City, California.

Many paths and modes will be available to contact the stage including HF, VHF, UHF, DSTAR, Echolink and IRLP. Here are the frequencies (subject to change)

10 Meters 28.420 SSB (USB)
17 Meters 18.085 CW 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM PDT
20 Meters 14.250 SSB (USB)
40 Meters 7.260 SSB (LSB)

PAPA System Analog
IRLP 9090
Echolink – 632802
D-Star – REF012A

Watch Live Streaming Video interviews and Chat on W5KUB’s Webcast Page.

The PAPA System announcement thread includes more information and pictures!

Promotional video and overview of the event from Ham Nation: